Our mission is to raise happy, healthy,
high quality rabbits for
Show, Pets, Meat, and Fiber.
We currently raise:
Giant Chinchilla (on the Watch List),
Mini Lop, Mini Rex, and
French, & Giant Angora rabbits
high quality rabbits for
Show, Pets, Meat, and Fiber.
We currently raise:
Giant Chinchilla (on the Watch List),
Mini Lop, Mini Rex, and
French, & Giant Angora rabbits
**Coming Soon...**
Mini Lop ... $50
Mini Rex ... $50
Giant Chinchilla... $75
French Angora ... $100
Giant Angora ... $150
**Rabbit Fertilizer**
*50# bag ... $20
"The best fertilizer you can get!"
We reuse our fifty pound feed bags
and fill to capacity
with 100% natural, organic, fertilizer.
*Weight may vary.
Learn to Process
Your Own (rabbit) Meat
and take home your own processed rabbit to cook!
$40 per person / $50 per couple
Contact us to schedule and reserve your private lesson today!
Angora Beanie Hats and
Woven Angora Blankets are here!
On Sale Now at
(we also have raw sheep, alpaca, and llama wool available for spinning or felting)
Check them out
here -> Etsy shop!
We are closed to the public for biosecurity reasons.
Please text (or call) for rabbitry information.
(541) 291-3434
Grants Pass, OR
'Stay in the Loop' and
like us on Facebook